Assignment 2nd sem DEC 2023 ( Set of 6 )


Complete set – 6

Business Communication

Business Law

Decision Science

Essentials of HRM

Operations Management

Strategic Management

Solved assignment for DEC 2023

Price 1140rs

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Business Communication
December 2023 Examination
1) Meher is a communications consultant, fairly an unknown field. However, her
customers know how she makes a real difference in their way of reaching out to their
clients. Meher handles all the communication channels that her customers need to use in
their business. Their email communications, their social media communications, their
web presence, and literature that goes out from their offices. She also conducts training
for her customers so that they can use the strategies and make themselves effective. One
basic tip that Meher likes to always follow and share with people is controlling the style
and tone of communication. Considering this case, please share the rules or strategies
that you covered about controlling the style and tone of communication, in your course.
(10 Marks)
Ans 1.
In the dynamic world of business, communication stands as a pillar that bridges the gap
between an organization and its stakeholders. Meher, a communications consultant, embodies
the essence of this vital role. While the domain of communications consultancy might seem
esoteric to many, its impact is palpable in the way businesses connect with their clients. The
digital age has amplified the channels of communication, making it imperative for businesses
to maintain a consistent and effective presence across all platforms, be it email, social media,
websites, or printed literature. However, amidst the cacophony of
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2) Praful is working for a research institute as research associate for
archaeological projects. As a part of his job, Praful needs to write to various
departments of the government for access to forts and geographical areas for research.
Help Praful to develop a routine request draft towards asking for information and
action to these departments. (Write the letter to Archaeological Survey of India about
visiting 2 forts in 6 months). (10 Marks)
Ans 2.
Archaeology, as a discipline, is a bridge that connects us to our past, enabling us to
understand our history, culture, and the evolution of our societies. It is through the meticulous
efforts of archaeologists that we are able to uncover the mysteries of bygone eras and gain
insights into the lives of our ancestors. Praful, a dedicated research associate for a renowned
research institute, is one such individual who has devoted his life to the pursuit of knowledge
and the discovery of our historical roots. His passion for archaeology is not just limited to
academic research; it extends to the field where real discoveries are made. However, the path
3) Sumana is heading HR of a PR agency in a big city. She is rather known for being
bluntly honest. However, she is always appreciated for being logical. While she will be
honest in her negative feedback about performance reviews or when rejecting any job
application, she always gives clear reasons, which work as positive feedback for the
receivers. In light of this, answer the following questions.
a) Put forth strategies for effectively rejecting job applications. (5 Marks)
Ans 3a.
In the dynamic world of Human Resources, the task of rejecting job applications is as crucial
as selecting the right candidate. While it’s essential to ensure that the organization’s interests
are upheld, it’s equally vital to ensure that the rejected candidates walk away with a positive
experience. Sumana’s approach, characterized by blunt honesty coupled with logical
b) Share a strategy for sharing negative performance reviews. (5 Marks)
Ans 3b.
Performance reviews are a cornerstone of professional development, providing employees
with feedback on their contributions and areas of improvement. While positive reviews are
easy to communicate, negative reviews pose a challenge. They can be demotivating and, if
not handled correctly, can lead to decreased morale and productivity. However, with the right
strategy, negative performance reviews can be transformed into constructive discussions that



Business Law
December 2023 Examination
1) If the policy contains an arbitration clause, the courts in India will direct the parties
to arbitrate. The jurisdiction of the court in deciding an application for arbitral
reference is very narrow and limited to examining only the existence of an arbitration
agreement, and all other questions relating to the arbitrability of the dispute have to be
decided by the arbitral tribunal. Explain this statement with the help of recent decision
of various courts. (10 Marks)
Ans 1.
Arbitration, as an alternative to traditional litigation, has grown in popularity as a mode of
dispute resolution, especially in commercial contracts. The reason for its attractiveness lies in
the fact that arbitration is often perceived as a quicker, more confidential, and flexible method
to resolve disputes than the traditional court system. However, it hinges on the existence of an
arbitration clause in the agreement between the parties. In India, the arbitration process is
governed by the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996. The Act clearly delineates the role of
courts and arbitral tribunals in the arbitration process. The focal
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2) The vehicle owner paid the renewal premium amount to the insurance agent on
January 19, 2022 and a receipt was also issued. However, the insurance agent had
credited the amount to the insurance company only on January 31, 2022. The policy for
the vehicle was issued only with effect from February 1, 2016. On January 24, 2022
accident happened and the owner of the vehicle died. The insurance company rejected
the claim and hence the legal heirs of the vehicle owner filed a case against the insurance
company. The court mulcted the entire liability upon the insurance agent. Examine
whether in this situation agent was liable with the help of recent case laws. (10 Marks)
Ans 2.
Insurance is a contractual agreement between the policyholder and the insurance company,
ensuring that in return for premium payments, the insurer will provide compensation for
specified potential future events. An integral part of this contract is the timely payment and
processing of premiums, which ensures the continuity of the coverage. Insurance agents act
as intermediaries between policyholders and insurance companies, and their roles come with
fiduciary responsibilities. The situation detailed above presents a quandary wherein a delay in
transmitting a renewal premium by the insurance agent may have led to a lack of coverage
3) Consumers who are unaware of their rights are vulnerable in the marketplace. It is
vital that they be aware of their rights so that they can make choices confidently, and
with due regard to their interests.
(a) What are all the rights available to consumer. (5 Marks)
Ans 3a.
In the modern marketplace, consumers often find themselves navigating a complex web of
products, services, and providers. Given the diversity and intricacy of options available, the
potential for exploitation or unintentional harm is high. Recognizing this challenge,
legislations and frameworks have been instituted globally to protect consumers and empower
(b) Explain the compliant making process for misleading advertisement and ecommerce
platform. (5 Marks)
Ans 3b.
The rise of digital platforms, particularly e-commerce and online advertising, has transformed
the way we shop and consume information. While these platforms offer convenience and a
plethora of choices, they also come with their set of challenges. Misleading advertisements
and e-commerce discrepancies can lead to consumer dissatisfaction and potential harm. To



Essentials of HRM
December 2023 Examination
Q1. Explain how you would do a job analysis for the position of “Successful Student”
and create a job description using the various elements. Explain your choices of
essential functions and job specifications.
Ans 1.
Job analysis is a systematic process of understanding the nature and requirements of a
particular position. It involves gathering, documenting, and analyzing information about a job
to provide a comprehensive understanding of its roles, responsibilities, and qualifications.
When we think of job analysis, we often associate it with traditional occupations in the
corporate world. However, the concept can be applied to any role, including that of a
“Successful Student.” A student’s role is multifaceted, encompassing academic,
extracurricular, and personal development aspects. By conducting a job analysis for the
position of a “Successful Student,” we aim to understand the key components that contribute
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Q2. Which training methods would be most effective to train the taste testers? Discuss
how each ofthe levels in Kirkpatrick’s model could be applied to the training for the
Would another evaluation method be more relevant? Explain. (10 marks)
Ans 2.
Taste testers play a pivotal role in the food and beverage industry, ensuring that products
meet specific quality and flavor standards before reaching the market. Training these
professionals effectively is crucial, not only to ensure consistent product quality but also to
maintain a brand’s reputation. One of the widely recognized models for evaluating training
programs is Kirkpatrick’s Four-Level Training Evaluation Model. This model provides a
structured framework to assess the effectiveness of training at different stages, from the
immediate reaction of the participants to the long-term impact on business outcomes. In the
context of training taste testers, it becomes essential to understand how each level of
Q3. Design an employee selection program for hiring stock traders. We already know
what to look for as far as the technical skills are concerned such as accounting skills,
economics, and so on. What we want is a program for screening out potential bad
apples. To that end, please let us know the following:
a) What screening tests would you suggest, and why? (5 marks)
Ans 3a.
The financial industry, especially stock trading, is not just about numbers and market
analysis; it’s also about trust, integrity, and ethical decision-making. While technical skills are
paramount, the character and moral compass of a stock trader can significantly impact an
organization’s reputation and financial health. Therefore, when designing an employee
selection program for hiring stock traders, it’s crucial to have robust screening mechanisms in
b) What questions should we add to our application form? (5 marks)
Ans 3b.
Introduction (100 words)
The application form is often the first point of interaction between a potential employee and
an organization. For roles as critical as stock traders, where ethical considerations are
paramount, the application form should be more than just a collection of personal details and
qualifications. It should serve as a preliminary screening tool to gauge the applicant’s values,
ethical beliefs, and past behaviors. By incorporating specific questions tailored to assess these
aspects, organizations can filter out candidates who might not align with their ethical



Decision Science
December 2023 Examination
Q1. Draw the decision tree diagram and explain the best possible decision based on
(expected Monetary Values) On the 1st April 2023, Rajinder Saproo, an investor is in a
dilemma for the investment of 10 lakh INR. He has consulted his Mumbai based friend,
MukulBhai Gadhecha, an investment expert for this matter. Mr Saproo went to meet
him at his office located at Prabhadevi. Mukulbhai asked him to express his feeling for
the market situation in coming economic year.
Mr Saproo assumed the economic growth for the coming year in the following way.
10 % optimist for the ‘Good Economic Growth’
50 % optimist for the ‘Moderate Economic Growth’
40 % optimist for the ‘Lower Economic Growth’.
In addition to this, MuKulbhai Gadhecha carried out his analysis to derive possible
payoff values considering the various investment options as per the economic situations
(presented in the table given below). Figures are in INR on the investment of whole
amount of 10 lakhs.
Options Good Economic
Moderate Economic
Lower Economic
Mauti Suzuki Shares 3,00,000 1,20,000 5G0r,o0w00th’
TATA Motor Shares 4,00,000 1,00,000 10,000
D Mart shares 4,50,000 2,30,000 30,000
If you were in place of Mukulbhai Gadhecha, What do you recommend to Mr. Saproo?
Note: You are not allowed to use any software for the calculation. But for the
preparation of
Decision tree diagram you are advised to use Software like MS -Word, PowerPoint etc.
(10 Marks)
Solution Q. 1
Title: Investment Recommendation for Mr. Saproo Using Expected Monetary Values
Mr. Rajinder Saproo, an investor with 10 lakh INR, sought the know-how of
MukulbhaiGadhecha, an investment expert based in Mumbai. Mukulbhai became tasked with
advising Mr. Saproo on the optimal investment choice given sure economic growth scenarios.
Mr. Saproo’s notion of the financial landscape for the upcoming year became divided into
three procedures: 10% optimistic about ‘true economic growth,’ 50% confident about
‘moderate economic increase,’ and 40% happy about ‘lower financial increase.’ Mukulbhai
Gadhecha comprehensively analyzed potential payoffs for diverse investment alternatives
underneath these situations. The investment alternatives under attention had been Maruti
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Q2. Draw the appropriate chart using MS EXCEL, also carryout Exponential
Smoothing model in MS EXCEL for the given Alpha values, copy the results (from
EXCEL to Word) and explain which alpha is relatively better for the forecast. In this
journey of identification of relatively better way of forecasting you may take the
support of MAD and MSE type of errors. Suggested Alpha values are 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 0.7,
0.9. (10 Marks)
Yield of
Data Source: RBI
The Quest for the Optimal Alpha:
Inside the realm of forecasting, we embark on a quest to unveil the alpha value that holds the
key to superior predictive powers. Our journey takes us through the dense forest of mean
Absolute Deviation (MAD) and the treacherous terrain of suggest-squared mistakes (MSE).
These metrics will be our guiding stars in this odyssey.
The Contestants:
Our noble contestants are alpha values—0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 0.7, and 0.9. each Alpha seeks to prove
its worth in the forecasting world, but only one shall emerge victorious.
Q3. A) You are not advised to use Software in this case, show the calculation-steps typed
in your MS-word file.
In Roshni lights ( manufacturer of Mirchi lights) A production run of 2000 set of Mirchi
lights being tested for the life, the data shows that life is normally distributed with an
average life span of 90 days and a standard deviation of 10 days. What is the probability
if a set of Mirchi lights randomly selected from that lot, survived up to 100 days? (5
To ascertain the chance of a randomly selected set of Mirchi lights from the production lot
surviving for 100 days, we delve into the world of records and regular distribution. With a
median life span (mean) of 90 days and a standard deviation of 10 days, we embark on a
journey to calculate this probability of the usage of the fascinating world of Z-scores and the
Q3 B) Draw an appropriate chart to show the contribution of each category (in percent
form) of Micro, small and medium Enterprises (MSMEs) at the state level. (You may
use the MS EXCEL). In conclusion also write, why you have chosen this graph for this
problem? (5 Marks)
StateName DistrictName Total
Micro Small Medium
ALMORA 1235 1068 150 17
BAGESHWAR 838 807 29 2
CHAMOLI 739 688 49 2
CHAMPAWAT 802 745 55 2
DEHRADUN 12605 10600 1909 96
HARIDWAR 8883 6416 2263 204
NAINITAL 3752 3003 675 74
4955 4678 264 13
PITHORAGARH 1061 962 95 4
RUDRA PRAYAG 740 698 37 5
1399 1227 162 10
9746 7767 1839 140
UTTARKASHI 1114 1002 111 1
Data source: OGD
Stacked Bar
Reasons for Choosing a Stacked Bar Chart:
Comparative Clarity: The number one objective is to offer a clear, visible assessment of the
contributions made by Micro, Small, and Medium enterprises to the overall range of MSMEs
in each district of Uttarakhand. A stacked bar chart excels on this, presenting those
contributions facet through side within each section. This visible contrast is crucial for



Operations Management
December 2023 Examination
Q.1 Tesla Motors is considering India for setting up its manufacturing facility. As
regional head, you have been assigned the most critical decision of choosing a location
for your business setup. What are the various factors that you will consider for
narrowing down on a facility location for your business? Also, justify your selection
with some facts based on the choice of your location as you why you feel that location is
appropriate for setting up the manufacturing facility. (10 marks)
Ans 1.
In the rapidly evolving landscape of the automotive industry, Tesla Motors stands as a beacon
of innovation and sustainability. As the company looks to expand its global footprint, India
emerges as a potential destination for its next manufacturing facility. India, with its vast
market potential, burgeoning middle class, and strategic location, offers a unique blend of
opportunities and challenges for global manufacturers. However, the decision to set up a
manufacturing facility is not one to be taken lightly. It requires a thorough analysis of various
factors that can influence the success and profitability of the venture. From infrastructural
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Q.2 Explain the need for a good layout and compare the different types of layouts used
in operations management, emphasizing their respective advantages and disadvantages.
Post that, analyze the specific challenges and opportunities associated with both the
cloud kitchen format and dine-in restaurant setups. Finally, make a recommendation on
the most suitable layout type for each format, providing a justification for your choice
based on how the selected layout addresses the unique needs and challenges of each
format. (10 marks)
Ans 2.
Operations management is the backbone of any organization, ensuring that business processes
run smoothly, efficiently, and effectively. One of the pivotal aspects of operations
management is the design and implementation of an appropriate layout. A layout refers to the
arrangement of physical facilities such as machinery, equipment, furniture, and the like, in a
manner that optimizes the flow of work, materials, and people within an organization. A welldesigned
layout not only enhances operational efficiency but also improves worker
productivity, reduces production time, minimizes material handling costs, and ensures safety.
Q.3 A famous patisserie brand is planning to open a new mid-sized pastry shop near
your locality. Considering their expertise and knowledge in manufacturing and
branding their product offerings, they are confident of getting into the new pastry shop
operations. The standard offering, which is ready-to-eat single items, takes nearly 20
minutes for one worker, while the extended multiple items required in bulk take 30
minutes. On the other hand, custom-made items require three workers to spend 25
minutes each.
The company is interested in identifying the right number of workers required in its
shop. Using the data given in the table below:
Type of pastry
Demand in the next 4 weeks
1 2 3 4
Standard single
2000 2200 2800 2500
Extended multiitems
1700 1600 1300 1000
500 600 200 400
a) Estimate the aggregate capacity required at the patisserie brand during the next four
weeks. Also, if the company employs 29 workers for six days a week and 10 hours a day,
compute the capacity available in its current level of working.
Is the capacity adequate to meet the demand, and if not, how much additional capacity
do they need? (5 marks)
Ans 3a.
The success of any business, especially in the food industry, hinges on its ability to match
capacity with demand. For a renowned patisserie brand venturing into a new locality,
understanding the capacity requirements is crucial to ensure that they can meet customer
demand without incurring unnecessary costs. This analysis aims to estimate the aggregate
capacity required by the patisserie over the next four weeks based on the demand forecast and
capacity shortfall promptly to ensure they can meet customer demand, maintain their
b) What alternatives would you recommend to the patisserie brand to solve their
capacity problem, and if they are ready to recruit, then how many workers should they
recruit? (5 marks)
Ans 3b.
Capacity management is a delicate balance between meeting demand and controlling costs.
For the patisserie brand, the challenge lies in addressing the capacity shortfall without
compromising on service quality or incurring excessive costs. While recruitment is a direct
solution, it’s essential to explore various alternatives that can provide both short-term and



Strategic Management
December 2023 Examination
1) You are a mobile phone manufacturer manufacturing phones for different segments
of the population. Sales for your lower segment phones is falling while sales for your
higher segment is increasing.
Why do you think is this happening? What could be the reasons? How do you deal with
situation? Does this need any change of strategy? What changes would you do in
strategy? Give valid reasons, examples while answering the questions. (10 Marks)
Ans 1.
In the rapidly evolving world of mobile technology, consumer preferences and market
dynamics have displayed tendencies to shift based on a myriad of factors. One such intriguing
phenomenon is the decline in sales of the lower segment phones and the corresponding surge
in sales for the higher segment offerings. This apparent dichotomy could be the result of
various socio-economic, technological, and even psychological factors. A thoughtful analysis
of these reasons is crucial for any mobile manufacturer to determine the necessity and
direction of strategic modifications. Through an exploration of this topic, we aim to dissect
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2) India has been a laggard in the world of Sports. You have been appointed as a
consultant for strategy for building a sports ecosystem in India. Suggest a strategic road
map to make India a sporting powerhouse. (10 Marks)
Ans 2.
India, a nation with a rich cultural tapestry and an illustrious history, has often been seen as a
powerhouse in various arenas – be it IT, arts, or cuisine. However, the arena of sports, barring
a few exceptions, is one where the nation has lagged. While the country boasts champions in
cricket and individual sports like badminton and wrestling, the collective representation in
global competitions remains minimal. Several factors, such as insufficient infrastructure, lack
of systematic training, and limited grassroots development, have hindered India’s emergence
3) You are the marketing strategy head for a major online music service. Your business
is dependent on advertising, but, despite the large number of consumers listening to
your app. Advertisers have not been enthused to advertise. (5 Marks)
a. What strategy should you adopt to get advertisers on board? Give examples to
justify your answer.
Ans 3a.
In the digital age, online music services have gained immense traction, offering consumers an
expansive array of music at their fingertips. While amassing a significant user base should
ideally be attractive to advertisers, there can be challenges that deter them. If advertisers are
reluctant to invest, it’s indicative of a gap between the perceived value proposition of the
b. Create two ideas to engage with advertisers. (5 Marks)
Ans 3b.
In an age dominated by digital interaction, the success of online music platforms hinges not
just on user engagement but equally on attracting advertisers. While the user base is
sprawling and dynamic, making the platform appealing for advertisers requires tailored
strategies. To ensure advertisers perceive genuine value and a distinct edge over competing


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