Lean Six sigma JUNE 2024


LLean Six sigma JUNE 2024

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Lean Six Sigma
June 2024 Examination
1. As a consultant for business process outsourcing (BPO) company develop a
comprehensive framework utilizing the DMAIC methodology for process improvement
by identifying any process (at least 1) that needs improvement. Additionally, envisage
yourself as the project leader of a Six Sigma initiative and draft a set of guidelines for
your team to adhere to, aimed at avoiding conflicts effectively. (10 Marks)
Ans 1.
In the realm of business process outsourcing (BPO), where efficiency and quality are
paramount, the Lean Six Sigma methodology stands out as a beacon of systematic
improvement. As consultants tasked with enhancing processes within a BPO company, our
focus lies on developing a comprehensive framework utilizing the DMAIC (Define, Measure,
Analyze, Improve, Control) approach. The DMAIC methodology provides a structured
pathway for identifying areas of improvement, analyzing root causes, and implementing datadriven
solutions. By leveraging Lean principles and Six Sigma tools, we aim to streamline
operations, minimize waste, and elevate overall performance. This introduction sets the stage
for a detailed exploration of how DMAIC can be effectively applied to drive process
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2. Consider yourself as a Six Sigma project leader for a super specialty hospital. Develop
a comprehensive schedule outlining all activities from patient admission to bed
occupancy. Additionally, construct a process map delineating the patient admission
procedure, commencing from registration to bed allocation within the hospital. (10
Ans 2.
In the healthcare sector, particularly within super specialty hospitals, efficient patient flow
management is critical for ensuring quality care delivery and maximizing resource utilization.
As a Six Sigma project leader for such a hospital, the optimization of patient admission
processes and bed occupancy is paramount to enhance operational efficiency and patient
satisfaction. Developing a comprehensive schedule and process map for patient admission to
bed occupancy is essential to streamline workflows, minimize wait times, and improve overall
hospital performance. This introduction sets the stage for a detailed exploration of how Six
Sigma principles can be applied to design a robust framework for patient admission and bed
3. Suppose you are employed at an organization that offers advanced software solutions
and web-based business tools to other companies.
a. Select a specific process within your organization and deconstruct it into smaller tasks
to pinpoint Non-Value Added (NVA), Business Value Added (BVA), and Value Added
(VA) activities. (5 Marks)
Ans 3a.
In the realm of software solutions and web-based business tools, optimizing processes is crucial
for delivering value to clients efficiently. Within our organization, dissecting processes into
smaller tasks helps us identify areas of improvement and distinguish between non-value-added
(NVA), business value-added (BVA), and value-added (VA) activities. This breakdown
enables us to streamline workflows, eliminate waste, and enhance overall productivity in
b. If you are positioned as the project leader of a Six Sigma initiative centred around the
identified process from part a then enumerate responsibilities associated with Six Sigma
belts, including Master Black Belt (MBB), Black Belt (BB), Green Belt (GB), Yellow Belt
(YB), and White Belt (WB). (5 Marks)
Ans 3b.
As the project leader of a Six Sigma initiative focused on optimizing the identified process
within our organization, understanding the roles and responsibilities associated with different
Six Sigma belts is essential. Each belt level, from White Belt to Master Black Belt, plays a
crucial role in driving process improvement and ensuring the success of Six Sigma projects.
Concept and application
White Belt (WB):


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