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Assignment Set – 1

1. Explain the Concept of Leadership. Along with that, describe the Trait Theory of
Leadership. Describe any two sources of Power.
Ans: Leadership is a systematic process where a leader plays a vital role, and there are a few
team members, employees, and groups under these leaders. The leader provides the right
direction to the sub-ordinates and the members, influences them, supports them, and works
collectively with them to achieve goals and objectives of the organisation. The goals are
usually framed by top-level management or by the organisation. All members report to
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2. Explain the Significance of Self-Management in the role of Leader. Also comment on
the “Contingency Theory of Leadership.”
Ans:Significance refers to the importance of the concept we are currently studying:-
Here we understood the concept of self-management, so now we will understand the
significance means, the importance of self-management in one’s life or in a leader’s life.
• When we have strong self-management skills, we tend to be more successful at work
• The skills help us to stay productive
• It helps us to find ways to embrace our independence
3. What do you understand by Group Dynamics? Introduce the concept of 360°
Feedback and Ethical Leadership.
Ans: Group Dynamics– Kurt Lewin suggested that groups are quite dynamic and powerful
and can influence individuals and communities. The term ‘group dynamics’ means that
changes in a group can affect our actions and reactions within a group structure. If you are
willing to understand a group, it is important to understand and analyse its dynamics.
Lewin is one of the major researchers to make contributions to group dynamics– attitudes and
behaviours as a part of the small group. Groups can be divided into two parts– Formal and
Assignment Set – 2
4. Discuss the Leadership Challenges. Write a note on Followership Culture and
Ans: Being a leader is not quite a cakewalk. In fact, to be very Honesty, managing people is
one of the most challenging tasks. You really need to extract the best out of your team
members and handhold them even in the worst situations. We all want to lead a team, but
have we ever realized what are the challenges faced by a leader? Remember, a leader is just
like the captain of a ship. One wrong decision and the entire blame come on you.
The biggest challenge in leadership is to listen to everyone’s opinions and come to a mutually
5. Explain the sources of Motivation. Also discuss the Model of four Competencies of
Ans: Motivation is usually described as the force that impacts the direction, intensity, and
endurance to drive a person’s voluntary choice to pursue a goal (the desired outcome). The
term motivation is based on the Latin word ‘movere’ which means ‘to move’. Every individual
defines motivation differently, but they all end up in the same conclusion and the significant
elements in each definition of motivation are willingness, intense effort and persistent effort.
6. Describe the components of Leadership. Study the example of any one corporate
leader and explain which theory he/she is following in real life.
Ans: Components/Elements of Leadership
A. Relationship Management: It is important that a leader maintains an effective
relationship with all people in the workplace. Even though it is very important for the leader
to maintain this relationship, it is also a challenging task.
If a leader understands the problems faced by team members and builds a strong relationship
with them, it helps them in achieving goals effectively and efficiently in the long run. As a
part of the work, the leader may face a lot of frictions in the workplace. An effective leader


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