Assignment Set – 1
1. What is International Marketing? Differentiate it with Domestic Marketing. 4+6
Ans 1.
International Marketing: Definition and Explanation
International marketing refers to the practice of promoting and selling goods and services in multiple
countries, beyond the borders of the domestic market. It involves the planning, pricing, distribution,
and promotion of products on a global scale, taking into account the diversity of cultures, economic
conditions, laws, and consumer behaviors in different regions. Unlike domestic marketing, which
targets a single nation’s market, international marketing requires businesses to navigate a complex
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2. Write a detailed note on Political & Legal Environment and its importance in
International Marketing.
Ans 2.
The political and legal environment plays a critical role in international marketing, shaping the
opportunities and challenges that businesses face when operating in global markets. This
environment encompasses the political stability, governmental policies, and legal frameworks of the
countries where a business seeks to market its products or services. Understanding these factors is
essential for the success of international marketing efforts, as they directly influence market entry
3. Discuss and compare Theory of “Absolute Advantage” with “Comparative Advantage”. 5+5
Ans 3.
The theories of “Absolute Advantage” and “Comparative Advantage” are foundational concepts in
international economics that explain the rationale for trade between nations. Both theories illustrate
how countries benefit from specialization and trade, but they differ in their assumptions and
implications regarding production efficiencies and trade dynamics.
The theory of Absolute Advantage, introduced by Adam Smith in his seminal work The Wealth of
Assignment Set – 2
4. With the help of suitable example, discuss the process of Global Product Planning. 10
Ans 4.
Global Product Planning: A Strategic Process
Global product planning involves developing and marketing products that meet the diverse needs of
international markets while aligning with a company’s global objectives. The process ensures that
products cater to cultural, economic, and regulatory differences in target markets, enabling
businesses to succeed globally. Here is a concise overview of the steps involved:
Market Research and Consumer Analysis: The process begins with extensive research to
understand the preferences, behaviors, and needs of consumers in various regions. Factors like
5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of exporting? Discuss in detail. 5+5
Ans 5.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Exporting
Exporting is one of the most common modes of entering international markets. It involves selling
goods or services produced in one country to customers in another. While it offers significant
opportunities for business growth and profitability, exporting also comes with challenges. Below is a
6. As International Firm, how you will set prices of your Products? Explain with the help of
suitable example.
Ans 6.
Setting prices for products in international markets is a complex process that involves careful
consideration of various factors to ensure competitiveness, profitability, and market acceptance.
Unlike domestic pricing, international pricing must address diverse challenges such as varying
economic conditions, local competition, exchange rate fluctuations, and government regulations. An
effective pricing strategy enables firms to penetrate new markets while maintaining their global
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