

JUL – AUG 2024


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  1. Analyze and compare three primary theories on the evolution of the English language. How do these theories differ in explaining the development of English?

Ans 1.

Analyze and Compare Three Primary Theories on the Evolution of the English Language

The evolution of the English language has been explained through various theories, each highlighting distinct aspects of its development. Three primary theories often discussed are the Indo-European Hypothesis, the Wave Theory, and the Dialect Continuum Model. These theories provide insights into how English has evolved from its ancient roots to its current form as a global language.

The Indo-European Hypothesis

This theory posits that English, along with many other languages, originated from a common ancestral language known as Proto-Indo-European (PIE). This ancient language is believed to have been spoken

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  1. Classify different types of sentences and explain each one in detail. Use examples to demonstrate how each type serves a distinct purpose in communication. 5 x 2

Ans 2.

Classify Different Types of Sentences and Explain Each One in Detail

In the realm of communication, sentences play a crucial function, as they are responsible for transmitting thoughts, questions, instructions, and emotions. It is possible to divide them into five primary categories: declarative sentences, interrogative sentences, imperative sentences, exclamatory phrases, and conditional sentences. Each variety serves a unique function, which helps to ensure that communication is carried out efficiently.

Declarative Sentences Declarative sentences state facts, opinions, or information. They are the most


  1. Illustrate the steps of making a flashcard by choosing any word of your choice. You may use diagrams.

Ans 3.

Flashcards are effective tools for learning and memorizing information, particularly when it comes to vocabulary, concepts, or facts. They are compact, portable, and allow for repetitive practice, which is essential for retention. In this explanation, we will illustrate the steps of making a flashcard using the word “benevolent” as an example.

The first step is to select a word or concept to focus on. In this case, the chosen word is “benevolent.”




4 Define the following and also give examples for each:

  1. Noun
  2. Pronoun
  3. Conjunction
  4. Preposition

e .Interjection

Ans 4.

  1. Noun

A noun is a word used to name a person, place, thing, or idea. It serves as the foundation of most sentences and plays various roles, such as the subject, object, or complement. Nouns can be classified into categories such as proper nouns, common nouns, abstract nouns, and concrete nouns. For example, John is a proper noun naming a specific person, while city is a common noun representing a general place. In the sentence “The dog chased the ball,” both “dog” and “ball” are nouns. Abstract nouns, such as love and freedom, refer to intangible concepts, while concrete nouns like book and tree



5 Define Leadership. Explain the different types of leadership profiles.                 

Ans 5.

Definition of Leadership

Leadership is the ability to influence, guide, and inspire individuals or groups toward achieving common goals. It involves setting a vision, fostering motivation, and enabling others to contribute effectively. Leadership is not limited to authority or formal titles; it encompasses skills such as communication, decision-making, and emotional intelligence. Effective leaders create an environment



6 Describe the four quadrants of the Johari Window. Provide examples from your own experience or imagination to illustrate how each quadrant can reveal different aspects of self-awareness and interpersonal relationships.

Ans 6. 

Four Quadrants of the Johari Window

The Johari Window is a psychological tool developed by Joseph Luft and Harrington Ingham to enhance self-awareness and interpersonal relationships. It consists of four quadrants: the Open Area, Blind Spot, Hidden Area, and Unknown Area. Each quadrant represents aspects of an individual’s self that are known or unknown to themselves and others. This framework facilitates better communication and trust within teams.

  1. Open Area

The Open Area represents information about oneself that is known to both the individual and others.



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