Employee Development & Talent Management JUNE 2024


Employee Development & Talent Management JUNE 2024

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Employee Development & Talent Management
June 2024 Examination
1. Twice a year, Zenith Corp. buzzed with excitement. “Switch Up” day meant swapping
jobs! Tushar, the careful number cruncher, got opportunity to development advertising
content for the company. Sheel, the sales whiz, got to try her hands at data analysis. At first,
they were scared. But Tushar’s words clicked, and Sheel uncovered sales secrets. Soon,
“Switch Back” came. Tushar, got a new perspective towards accounting. Sheel with the
analysed data in her mind, closed deals like magic! Zenith, once stuck in its ways, benefitted
from these new perspectives of new roles. They learned the best way to grow was to leap out
of their comfort zones. Many organizations use multiple ways of employee development and
empowerment. In light of the above case, please discuss Job enlargement, Job rotation and
transfers as a way of employee development. What are the potential drawbacks of job
rotation and transfers? (10 Marks)
Ans 1.
Employee development and empowerment are crucial aspects of organizational success. One
method employed by many organizations to foster growth and innovation among employees is
through job enlargement, job rotation, and transfers. Job enlargement involves expanding an
employee’s current role to include additional responsibilities and tasks. Job rotation refers to the
practice of moving employees through various positions within the organization, allowing them to
gain exposure to different functions and perspectives. Transfers involve moving employees from
one department or location to another, providing them with new challenges and opportunities for
These approaches aim to broaden employees’ skill sets, enhance their job satisfaction, and foster a
culture of continuous learning and adaptability within the organization. By experiencing different
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2. Tech Titans, a booming software firm. Lately the firm has started to lose it’s market
value in the stock market. Mr. Bala, the founder, aging, nearing retirement was not able to
announce a successor yet. In fact, there was complete silence about who will be taking over
once Bala retires. As per his last interview with a business magazine, he was planning to
shift to his native for a peaceful life. This was putting his employees in a dilemma about the
future of the company, his second line was feeling low on morale due to lack of clarity. In
light of this case, please elaborate on improper succession planning and communication gap
as hurdles in employee development in an organization. (10 Marks)
Ans 2.
Succession planning is a critical aspect of organizational management, ensuring continuity and
stability, especially during leadership transitions. However, when succession planning is
improperly executed or neglected, it can create significant hurdles in employee development and
organizational success. The case of Tech Titans illustrates the consequences of inadequate
succession planning and communication gaps within an organization.
In Tech Titans, the founder, Mr. Bala, is nearing retirement without having announced a
successor or communicated any succession plans to the employees. This lack of clarity about
leadership succession has led to uncertainty and anxiety among employees, particularly the
second line of
3. Sakshi Mitisha is the owner of a mid-size boutique in a big city. With many high profile
and celebrity clients she does not get a lot of time to get into administrative improvement of
the boutique. But when her master tailor announced to quit on her suddenly one day, she
was left baffled in the middle of upcoming wedding season. Rafique her oldest tailor told
her that he has been feeling dissatisfied with his growth in the company. Mitisha realised
that this may be the result of the latest incentive she offered to her counter sales staff and
them treating the boutique staff from the money. Mitisha realises that she has been too
haphazard about any bonuses or increments in the staff salaries and wants to work out a
consistent process for incentives and increments. Please answer the following questions
based on this information.. (10
3a. What conditions must Mitisha keep in mind for designing a performance management
process? (5 Marks)
Ans 3a.
Effective performance management is essential for ensuring the success and sustainability of any
business. It involves establishing clear goals, providing regular feedback, and rewarding
employees for their contributions to the organization’s objectives. In the case of Sakshi Mitisha’s
boutique, the sudden departure of her master tailor and dissatisfaction among her staff highlight
3b. Highlight the significance of a performance management system in any organization. (5
Ans 3b.
A performance management system plays a crucial role in ensuring the success and sustainability
of any organization. It involves processes and tools designed to monitor, evaluate, and improve
employee performance in alignment with the organization’s goals and objectives. The significance
of a robust performance management system cannot be overstated, as it contributes to employee


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