International Finance

April 2025 Examination



  1. When the International Monetary Fund (IMF) conducts a comprehensive analysis of a specific economy, why does the Balance of Payments (BOP) often emerge as a crucial component? How does the paradigm shift when viewed from the perspective of the Current Account, and what role does the Capital Account play in this context? Explain the significance of these accounts in understanding the overall economic health and stability of the country. (10 Marks)

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  1. In the context of international finance, how does the concept of Interest Rate Parity (IRP) influence the exchange rates between two currencies? What are the key mechanisms through which IRP affects the economic interactions and financial stability of two interconnected economies? How does this parity help in maintaining equilibrium in foreign exchange markets? Explain the implications of IRP on the exchange rate dynamics between these economies. (10 Marks)





3a. In the realm of international trade, what significance does an Export Earners’ Foreign Currency (EEFC) account hold for global traders? How does the existence of an EEFC account facilitate the retention of foreign exchange earnings without converting them into the domestic currency? What are the key benefits and implications of this account for exporters in  managing  their  foreign  exchange  reserves? Explain  the  role of EEFC accounts in enhancing trade efficiency and financial flexibility.                     (5  Marks)


  1. In the context of foreign exchange management, how does Translation Risk emerge as a critical component of forex risks? What are the underlying factors that contribute to Translation Risk, and how does it impact financial statements and asset values? How do fluctuations in exchange rates exacerbate this risk for multinational corporations? Explain the significance of Translation Risk in the broader spectrum of forex risk management. (5 Marks)








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