- What are the main features, uses, and versions of HTML? Describe the syntax structure, including the head and body sections in HTML documents.
Ans 1.
Main Features, Uses, and Versions of HTML
Features of HTML:
- Markup Language: HTML (HyperText Markup Language) structures content on the web using tags.
- Cross-Platform Compatibility: HTML works seamlessly across various browsers and devices.
- Hyperlinking: It enables linking between web pages through hyperlinks.
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- How can tables be created and used in HTML? Describe the purpose of different list types and text styling tags. 3+7
Ans 2.
Creating and Using Tables in HTML
Tables in HTML are created using the <table> tag, which organizes data in rows and columns. The primary elements of an HTML table are:
- <table>: Defines the table.
- <tr>: Specifies a table row.
- <th>: Denotes a table header cell, typically bold and centered.
- <td>: Represents a table data cell.
- <caption>: Adds a title or description to the table.
Example of a Simple Table:
<table border=”1″>
<caption>Student Grades</caption>
- What is CSS, and how do you define and apply simple CSS styles to an HTML document? 5+5
Ans 3.
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a stylesheet language used to describe the presentation of a web document written in HTML or XML. It separates the content (HTML) from its visual representation, allowing developers to design attractive and consistent web pages.
Key Features of CSS:
- Styling: Applies styles like colors, fonts, margins, and spacing to HTML elements.
- Cascading Rules: Resolves conflicts between multiple style rules using specificity and inheritance.
- Explain how to insert and align text in HTML. How do you incorporate images and hyperlinks into a web page?
Ans 4.
Inserting and Aligning Text in HTML
- Inserting Text in HTML: HTML provides various tags to insert and structure text content:
- <p>: Defines a paragraph.
- <h1> to <h6>: Creates headings of different levels.
- <span>: Used for inline text styling.
- <pre>: Displays preformatted text, preserving whitespace.
- Example:
<p>This is a paragraph.</p>
<h1>Main Heading</h1>
- Explain the structure of HTML forms, including form elements, input types, and form attributes. How do these elements enhance user interaction? 8+2
Ans 5.
Structure of HTML Forms
HTML forms are used to collect user input and send it to a server for processing. The structure of an HTML form consists of a <form> element containing various form elements like text fields, buttons, and checkboxes.
Key Components of HTML Forms
- The <form> Tag: The <form> tag defines the start of a form. Important attributes include:
- action: Specifies the URL where the form data is sent.
- method: Specifies the HTTP method used (GET or POST).
<form action=”submit.php” method=”POST”>
- What are the basic syntax rules, data types, and operators in JavaScript? How is JSON used for data representation, and how can it be parsed or stringified in JavaScript? 5+5
Ans 6.
Basic Syntax Rules in JavaScript
- Case Sensitivity: JavaScript is case-sensitive. For example, var and Var are different identifiers.
- Statements: JavaScript code consists of statements, each ending with a semicolon (;), though this is optional.
- Comments:
- Single-line: // This is a comment
- Multi-line: /* This is a multi-line comment */
- Variables: Declared using var, let, or const.
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