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Assignment Set – 1



  1. Explain non-probability techniques and various types of non-probability sampling techniques with suitable examples.

Ans 1.

Non-Probability Sampling Techniques

Non-probability sampling is a sampling technique where the samples are gathered in a process that does not give all the individuals in the population equal chances of being selected. This method is often used when a feasible probability sampling plan is difficult to implement. Non-probability sampling is useful in exploratory research where the goal is to get an initial understanding of the situation without the intention to generalize the results to the entire population.

Convenience Sampling

Convenience sampling involves selecting subjects who are easiest to access. It is the most

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  1. What are the nine types of Experimental designs?

Ans 2.

Types of Experimental Designs

Experimental designs are frameworks used by researchers to set up, conduct, and interpret experiments that provide insights into cause-and-effect relationships. Understanding different types of experimental designs helps researchers choose the most appropriate setup according to the research question, hypotheses, and practical constraints. Here are nine common types of experimental designs:

  1. Pre-Experimental Designs

Pre-experimental designs are the simplest form of research designs that are characterized by a



  1. Explain in brief about focus group interview, its requirement, and the problems that may arise from using focus group.

Ans 3. 

Focus Group Interview

A focus group interview is a qualitative research method commonly used in market research, social sciences, and health studies to gather diverse perspectives about a specific topic or product. This method involves a structured discussion where a small group of participants, usually 6-12, are asked about their perceptions, opinions, beliefs, and attitudes towards a product, service, concept, or idea. The session is guided by a trained moderator who fosters an interactive discussion among the participants to gain depth and complexity of



Assignment Set – 2


  1. Discuss the various properties of scales of measurement. Give suitable examples. Also explain the types of Primary Scales of Measurement

Ans 4.

Properties of Scales of Measurement

Scales of measurement in research determine how variables are categorized and numerically represented. They play a crucial role in statistical analysis, as the level of measurement affects the types of statistical techniques that can be applied. Understanding the properties of these scales helps researchers effectively measure and analyze their data.

Properties of Measurement Scales

Identity: Each value on the scale has a unique meaning, distinguishing it from other values.


  1. Explain the methods of consumer marketing research.

Ans 5.

Methods of Consumer Marketing Research

Consumer marketing research is a critical tool for understanding customer preferences, behaviors, and perceptions, which can help businesses tailor their products, services, and marketing strategies effectively. This research encompasses a variety of methods, each suited to specific research objectives.

Survey Research

One of the most common methods of consumer marketing research is survey research.



  1. What do you understand by a “quality research report”? What are the factors that a researcher should consider while developing such a report?

Ans 6.

Understanding a Quality Research Report

A quality research report is a document that presents the methodology, findings, interpretations, and conclusions of a research project in a clear, concise, and systematic manner. It serves as a comprehensive account of the research undertaken, providing sufficient detail to allow readers to understand the process and evaluate the results and conclusions drawn. A well-crafted report not only communicates the research findings effectively but also



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