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course CODE & NAME DOMS402, Total quality Management



Assignment Set – 1st



  1. Discuss the concept of six sigma. Explain Six Sigma methodology.

Ans:Six Sigma is a methodology used by organizations to improve the quality of their processes and products by minimizing defects and variations. Developed by Motorola in the mid-1980s, Six Sigma has become a widely adopted approach across industries ranging from manufacturing to healthcare to finance.

At its core, Six Sigma aims to achieve near-perfect quality by reducing process variation and eliminating defects. The term “Six Sigma” refers to a statistical measure of how far a process



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  1. Discuss the reason of implementing quality management system. Explain different types of quality management system.

Ans:Implementing a quality management system (QMS) is essential for organizations seeking to ensure that their products or services consistently meet customer requirements and regulatory standards while striving for continuous improvement.

There are several key reasons why organizations choose to implement QMS: 

Customer Satisfaction: A QMS helps organizations understand customer needs and



  1. What are the primary challenges in quality improvement? Explain SMART action plan.

Ans:Quality improvement initiatives often face various challenges that can impede progress and effectiveness.

Some primary challenges include: 

Resistance to Change: Implementing quality improvement initiatives often requires changes to established processes, procedures, and organizational culture. Resistance to change from employees, managers, or other stakeholders can hinder adoption and implementation.

Lack of Resources: Quality improvement initiatives require dedicated resources, including time, money, and personnel. Limited resources or competing priorities may make it



Assignment Set – 2nd



  1. Discuss various methods of collecting primary data. Explain steps involved in quality audits.

Ans:Collecting primary data involves gathering information directly from original sources rather than relying on secondary sources. There are several methods for collecting primary data, each suited to different research objectives, contexts, and constraints.

Here are some common methods: 

Surveys: Surveys involve asking questions to a sample of individuals or organizations to gather information about their opinions, attitudes, behaviours, or characteristics. Surveys can



  1. What do you understand by benchmarking? Explain the procedure of benchmarking.

Ans:Benchmarking is a systematic process of comparing an organization’s performance, processes, practices, or products against those of industry leaders or best-in-class competitors in order to identify opportunities for improvement and achieve superior performance. By analyzing and learning from the practices and achievements of others, benchmarking helps organizations set realistic goals, prioritize improvement efforts, and drive continuous



  1. Discuss various elements of total quality Management. Explain various stages of Total Quality Management.

Ans: Total Quality Management (TQM) is a comprehensive management approach aimed at achieving long-term success by focusing on customer satisfaction through continuous improvement of all organizational processes. TQM emphasizes the involvement of all employees in the pursuit of quality and the integration of quality principles into every aspect of the organization.

Various elements contribute to the implementation of TQM: 

Customer Focus: TQM starts with understanding and meeting customer needs and


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