Organisational Behaviour BBA APRIL 2024


Organisational Behaviour BBA APRIL 2024


Organisational Behaviour
April 2024 Examination
Q1. Jack is a professional who is trying to decide between two job offers. One offer
provides a significantly higher salary, while the other offers a more flexible work
schedule and the opportunity to work on projects he is truly passionate about. His Id is
urging him to choose the higher-paying offer because it means more financial security
and the ability to afford his desired lifestyle. His Superego, on the other hand, is
advising him to take the job that aligns with his passions and values, even if it means a
slightly lower salary. His Ego is grappling with finding a balance between these two
conflicting perspectives.
How might Jack’s Id, Ego, and Superego impact his decision-making process in
this situation? What kind of internal struggle could he face while trying to make a
choice? How might he ultimately come to a resolution? (10 Marks)
Ans 1.
In the realm of organizational behavior, decision-making is a complex process influenced by
various psychological components. Jack’s situation, where he is torn between two job offers,
serves as a quintessential example of this complexity. This scenario highlights the interplay of
Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytic theory, specifically the roles of the Id, Ego, and Superego.
The Id seeks immediate gratification and is drawn to the higher salary for the financial
security and lifestyle it promises. Conversely, the Superego seeks moralistic and idealistic
goals, urging Jack towards a job that aligns with his passions and values. The Ego, caught in
the middle, attempts to mediate between these conflicting desires, seeking a realistic and
pragmatic solution. This intricate dance of psychological forces not only underscores the
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Q2. Alice is a student who is currently focusing on her studies and trying to perform
well in her exams. She also takes time to hang out with her friends and participate in a
hobby she loves. According to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, which level of need is Alice
primarily addressing by focusing on her studies, social interactions, and hobbies? Also,
discuss the other levels as well. (10 Marks)
Ans 2.
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is a psychological theory proposed by Abraham Maslow in his
1943 paper “A Theory of Human Motivation.” This framework categorizes human needs into
a five-level pyramid structure, suggesting that basic needs must be met before individuals can
pursue higher-level motivations. At the base are physiological needs, followed by safety,
belongingness and love, esteem, and self-actualization at the top. Alice, a student, exemplifies
the application of this theory. She is balancing her academic pursuits, social life, and hobbies,
which indicates an interaction between different levels of Maslow’s hierarchy. Her focus on
studies primarily addresses esteem needs, as academic success contributes to self-esteem and
Q3a. Mark is at a team meeting where his colleagues are discussing a new project. He
notices that whenever his manager, Sarah, provides feedback or suggestions, Mark
tends to feel defensive and responds with counterarguments. He also realizes that he
often perceives Sarah’s comments as criticism rather than constructive input. However,
when his colleagues offer similar suggestions, he is more open to considering their ideas.
Based on this scenario, how might you explain Mark’s reactions and responses using the
concept of “Parent,” “Adult,” and “Child” ego states in transactional analysis? (5
Ans 3a.
Transactional Analysis (TA) is a psychological theory developed by Eric Berne in the 1950s.
It explores social interactions and communication patterns through the concept of three
distinct ego states: Parent, Adult, and Child. These states represent different types of thinking,
feeling, and behavior. In the scenario with Mark and his manager, Sarah, TA provides a
useful framework to analyze Mark’s defensive reactions and different responses to feedback.
Q3b. Linda works as a team leader in a tech company and is known for her willingness
to help her team members and provide support whenever they need it. She encourages
open communication and often seeks input from her team before making decisions.
Linda believes that by fostering a collaborative and inclusive environment, the team’s
overall performance can improve. She also values innovation and encourages her team
to share their ideas freely. Based on the scenario, how does Linda’s leadership approach
align with Adam Grant’s theory of “Givers,” “Takers,” and “Matchers” in the context
of workplace dynamics? (5 Marks)
Ans 3b.
Adam Grant’s theory of “Givers,” “Takers,” and “Matchers” in the workplace categorizes
individuals based on their interaction style and how they contribute to their work
environment. “Givers” are individuals who provide support to others without expecting
anything in return, “Takers” prioritize their own needs, and “Matchers” balance giving and
taking. Linda, a team leader in a tech company, exemplifies certain characteristics in her


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